Image material for downloading

Here you will find images of our products divided into the respective vehicle classes or product groups.

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3543 x 2362 px, 300 dpi, 6,6 MB

A Bundeswehr DINGO 2 Patsi (Patrol Security) climbs a hill during the deployment in Afghanistan.

3543 x 2362 px, 300 dpi, 3,8 MB

These three DINGO 2 Patsis monitor a runway with the FLW 100 weapon stations during the deployment in Afghanistan.

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The DINGO 2 HD Ambulance offers maximum protection for initial casualty treatment.

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The lowerable rear ramp and the stretcher mounting system of the DINGO 2 HD Ambulance make it easy to pick up the wounded.

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The antennas of the DINGO HD CP (Command Post) can be extended up to a height of 7.5 meters.

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This DINGO 2 HD CP is highly mobile off-road thanks to its FGA 14.5 UNIMOG chassis.

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The DINGO 2 HD TRGS (Tactical Radar Ground Surveillance) is able to monitor the surroundings within a radius of 40 kilometers with the help of its extendable radar head.

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The DINGO 2 HD TRGS has a FLW 200 mounted on the roof plate for self-protection.